Lecture at international webinar Music and Art in Renaissance Flanders: The Mechelen Choirbook in Context, organised by the Alamire Foundation and Columbia University, 20 May

‘Handschriftenproductie in de stad en het klooster Lopsen te Leiden’
Lezing in het kader van het project Leidse Kunstambachten, 8 november
‘Art historical questions on prayers’
Workshop Late Medieval Prayer Literature, Ghent, 27 May
‘Middeleeuwse handschriften uit Groningse kloosters’
Lecture at the presentation of the Liber Amicorum Dedicated to the Memory of Jos M.M. Hermans by his Friends and Colleagues: Quaerendo, 2011, organised by the Belgian-Dutch Binding Society, 30 March [on invitation]
‘Re-Thinking Margins and Miniatures: Collaborative Practices in Flemish Manuscript Painting around 1500’
Lecture at the international conference New Perspectives on Flemish Illumination, Brussels, Bibliothèque Royale Albert I, 16-18 November
‘Al ghescreven ende verlicht: Female Scribes and Illuminators in Bruges and Groningen Convents around 1500’
Lecture at the international conference Commercial Book Production in Western Europe in the Late Middle Ages, University of Antwerpen, 4-5 November [on invitation]
‘Architectural Capriccio in Tempera’
Presentation during the workshop Space and Place held at the Crossing the Boundaries conference organised by the Historians of Netherlandish Art, Amsterdam, 27-29 May
‘The Breviary of Beatrijs van Assendelft’
Lecture at the international conference Luxury Devotional Books and Their Female Owners, session organised by The J.P. Getty Museum during the annual conference of the CAA (College Art Associaton), Los Angeles, 25 February
‘Manuscript Production in a Carmelite Convent: Cornelia van Wulfschkercke and the Rokeghem Hours’
Lecture at the international conference The Book of Hours Re-Examined / Le livre d’heures revisité, organised by Les Enluminures, Paris, 22 September [on invitation]
‘Weaving Prayers for Protection: the Function of Rosary Images in the Late Middle Ages’
Lecture at the conference Louvain-Lille-London: Fifth Annual Journée d’études, organised by the Universities of Leuven, Lille and London, Cambridge, 10-12 December [on invitation]
‘Weaving Prayers for Protection: the Function of Rosary Images in the Late Middle Ages’
Lecture at the Sixteenth Century Society Conference, Toronto, 28-31 October
‘Recycling the Huth Hours’
Lecture at the international conference Manuscripts in Transition, organised by the Catholic University of Leuven and the Royal Library of Belgium Albert I, Brussels, 5-9 November
‘Creation by Variation: the Use of Models in Ghent-Bruges Marginal Decoration’
Lecture at the Historians of Netherlandish Art Conference, Antwerp, 14-16 March
‘Van meer dan marginaal belang; het onderzoek naar de Gents-Brugse randdecoratie aan de hand van ‘losse motieven’
Lecture at the conference Vlaamse miniaturen voor vorsten en burgers, Koninklijk Museum voor Schone Kunsten, Antwerpen, 30 May [on invitation]
‘Marginal Decoration in Ghent-Bruges Manuscripts’
Lecture at the Groningse Codicologendagen, Groningen, 11 October
‘De relatie tussen margedecoratie en tekst in Gents-Brugse handschriften’
Lecture at the workshop Text and Image: Two Ways of Representing One Vision? organised by the Dutch Research School for Medieval Studies, 27-28 June
‘Orde en ordening in de liturgie en decoratie van het missaal uit de St.-Laurenskerk te Weesp’
Presentation at the course Order and Organization, held by the Dutch Research School for Medieval Studies, 29 December